Based in Woldingham Surrey, Covering all of Surrey, Sussex and Kent
At Birchwood we ask that your pets are fully inoculated against certain viruses and diseases before they come to stay at the Lodge. Here are a few more details about the vaccinations we request your pet receives.
All dogs must be fully inoculated against distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza, and must have had a booster injection within the previous twelve months.
We do not insist that you have your dog inoculated against kennel cough, however we strongly recommend the vaccination. This is a topic you should discuss with your veterinary surgeon, if you do chose to have this inoculation, it must be done at least three weeks prior to arriving at the kennels.
Cats must be fully inoculated against feline leukaemia, feline infectious enteritis, feline viral rhinotracheitis (feline herpes virus) and feline calicivirus, and must have had a booster injection within the last twelve months.
For a safe and secure environment for your pet whilst you're away, call Birchwood Lodge today.
01883 343 148